Ice melt products help keep roads and sidewalks safe from freezing temperatures, but if handled incorrectly they can become hazardous. Learn how to safely apply ice melt with a spreader. Different ice melt products are designed for specific climates and temperatures. Be sure to read your product’s application instructions prior to any storm in order […]
Maintaining snow removal services as part of your business operation is an absolute necessity, not only to ensure employee and customer safety but also because specific city ordinances may penalize businesses if their parking lots remain snow covered after an event has passed. Register and create an accounting system for your snow plow business to […]
Every year, too many individuals suffer broken bones, dehydration, and heart attacks while shoveling snow themselves. Relying on professional snow removal experts could save time, money, and safety all at the same time. City code requires residents to clear sidewalks for pedestrians, including children walking to school. DPW crews have recently focused their plowing operations […]
Although all ice melt products work similarly, their effectiveness varies considerably based on temperature. Calcium chloride and magnesium chloride products tend to work best at temperatures between -25 and 12 degrees, while potassium chloride products perform admirably even lower down. Read product instructions carefully when applying deicing product, to ensure the optimal amount is used. […]
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