Snow and ice can be more than an inconvenience; they can cost businesses dearly. Here are a few strategies commercial property owners can employ to both reduce downtime and enhance customer satisfaction using snow removal services. Commercial property managers and owners should work with a reputable snow removal service provider that utilizes reliable weather data […]
Winter storms can be extremely hazardous. They pose an increased risk for car accidents, hypothermia, frostbite and carbon monoxide poisoning – as well as being harmful to our health in terms of carbon monoxide poisoning and carbon monoxide exposure. Before the winter storm hits, it is vital to prepare both yourself and your home properly. […]
Maintaining snow removal services as part of your business operation is an absolute necessity, not only to ensure employee and customer safety but also because specific city ordinances may penalize businesses if their parking lots remain snow covered after an event has passed. Register and create an accounting system for your snow plow business to […]
Parked vehicles will avoid entering your business when parking lots and entranceways are covered in snow, while insufficient snow removal could lead to expensive hardscape and softscape damages. City crews are currently focused on maintaining passable major arterial roadways and will transition into plowing neighborhood streets and cul-de-sacs as soon as weather allows. Safety First […]
Ice melt works by dismantling its crystal structure. This release of hydrogen bonds between water molecules helps form ice. Facility cleaning staff can minimize the amount of ice melt tracked into buildings by placing track/walk-off mats both outside and inside all entrances, as well as regularly vacuuming throughout the day. Unfortunately, however, some will still […]
Sifting through snow-covered houses and yards can be a tedious chore. Shoveling snow may also pose serious danger to older individuals or those in poor physical condition who need to do the heavy lifting themselves. City crews prioritize plowing main streets and arterials while leaving residential side streets and cul-de-sacs up to homeowners and property […]
Every snow removal contractor knows that unbillable travel time is the number one cause of decreased profits. While it’s impossible to completely avoid travel, there are things they can do to minimize it as much as possible. Before the storm begins, commercial properties should be treated with liquid deicer to help lower the freezing point […]
Winter storms pose many threats to property. To reduce liability risks and mitigate losses during a winter storm event, proactive preparation for pre-winter storm preparation should be made prior to its occurrence. Be prepared for power outages by creating an emergency kit with provisions to last several days and keeping a battery-powered radio handy for […]
The City strongly urges residents to postpone non-essential travel, as this allows plow crews to more efficiently treat roadways and creates safer travel for those who must go. Motorists should give snowplows plenty of room, rather than driving directly through piles of plowed snow. The staff has established a priority plowing system to prioritize main […]
Snow removal costs can vary widely by region and property type. By understanding average costs and pricing methods, individuals and businesses alike can budget effectively for snow removal services. Snow plow service providers typically charge either hourly, per-inch, visit or event pricing models; each option offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In addition […]