Nothing beats the feeling of discovering a brand-new landscape to rejuvenate and rejuvenate outdoor spaces, especially during spring. From revamped patios to water features that beckon us outdoors, transforming outdoor space is a simple yet effective way to upgrade and add value. As homeowners seek ways to revitalize their properties this year, landscaping professionals are witnessing some exciting trends emerge that they hope will soon follow suit.
1. Design with Bold Focal Points Landscaping designs that combine eye-catching elements and practical functionality are growing increasingly popular among landscaping enthusiasts. Experts advise incorporating sculptural pieces and installations that enhance the aesthetic of a yard into its design, and choosing plants such as herbs or vegetables that offer both visual appeal and functionality is a great way to reduce gardening workload.
2. Sustainable Landscaping
As concerns about climate change and extreme weather increase, more homeowners are opting for eco-conscious landscaping designs in their garden spaces. Experts anticipate an uptick in eco-friendly practices like xeriscaping as well as water-wise solutions such as native plantings and drip irrigation systems.
3 Nostalgic Plants
Gardening experts are seeing an upswing in nostalgic plant species like roses, lavender, lilacs, and hollyhocks in gardens today. The look is both chic yet casual with pinks, whites and purples being prevalent across trimmed hedges and white fences.
4. Edible Gardens
Another trend making waves in 2019 is edible gardening, or self-contained vegetable or herb gardens using raised beds to grow vegetables or herbs for consumption at home. Creating these environments allows homeowners to avoid soil issues that plague traditional garden plots while reaping all the rewards of growing their own produce right in their own backyards.
5. Naturalistic Water Features We’re witnessing an evolution away from formal, traditional water features toward more naturalistic, organic ones this year. The aim is to mimic nature by simulating meandering streams, pondless waterfalls and water gardens; using wide scuppers and spouts helps water transition seamlessly in your yard.
6. Rainwater Collection To stay on trend with sustainability efforts, more people are investing in rainwater collection systems for their yards to reduce impact on local water sources while keeping landscaping costs at a minimum. This helps minimize your garden’s impact on resources while simultaneously cutting costs associated with its upkeep.
7. Smart Technology
In addition to automated irrigation systems, we’re seeing more use of intelligent technology such as remote controlled lighting systems and water consumption sensors in landscaping projects. These smart technologies help save both time and energy while simultaneously keeping an eye on the health of your yard.
8. No-Measurement Landscapes
No-measurement landscaping involves accepting your yard’s natural topography rather than trying to alter it. Instead of excavating and starting from scratch, no-measurement projects make use of existing topographies by including features like retaining walls, terraced slopes or other elements which enhance them and complement each other to take full advantage of its environment.
9. Naturalistic Water Features
An emerging trend is moving away from formal water features towards more naturalistic options like rock gardens and flowing streams, in order to simulate nature and maintain your yard’s natural feel. The goal here is to replicate its movement while keeping its aesthetic intact.