Safety First
When traversing snow or ice, it is essential to look ahead, take small steps and shuffle for stability. Also beware of “black ice” – an almost invisible layer of slippery ice which often appears wet asphalt or sidewalks but is actually dangerously hazardous. By keeping parking lots and walkways free from snow and ice accumulations, slips and falls as well as damage caused by people tracking moisture inside can be prevented as well as moisture entering through shoes being tracked into interior floors through people tracking moisture into them from outside sources can also help.
Applying a light coating of salt, gravel or cat litter to snow and ice surfaces can provide extra traction when walking on it and also promote melting.
Save Money
The Village of Poughkeepsie requires that commercial property owners maintain clear sidewalks and entrance ways during winter, or face summonses for any violations. Doing this not only protects people from slips and falls but reduces liability risks too – by following some simple tips you could save money by using less salt and other materials; spreading rock salt prior to snowfall could even help stop ice formation!
Use of less material can save money and protect our lakes, streams and groundwater from excess chemical use. Check out the winter parking lot and sidewalk maintenance manual for cost savings tips.
Prevent Damage
Slipping on ice is both dangerous and costly, potentially leading to lawsuits for medical expenses, pain and suffering claims and lost income losses. A good snow removal plan can prevent injuries due to hazardous conditions.
Property owners have the obligation to clear snow and ice from sidewalks surrounding their buildings and parking lots, in order to safeguard themselves against costly personal injury claims and lawsuits.
If your commercial parking lot is susceptible to slippery conditions, be sure to inform your contractor of all obstructions such as curbs, speed bumps, poles and water drains in advance of snow accumulation. Piling snow near these obstructions could damage surfaces and create hazardous situations; in addition, make sure that piles don’t interfere with foot traffic areas where customers and vendors enter/exit your building for safe entry and exiting of customers/vendors; rock salt should also be applied prior to snowfall to help prevent icy surfaces; it will make snow easier to shovel/remove after accumulation has stopped sticking onto surfaces; and finally rock salt should also help keep snow from sticking onto surfaces, making removal simpler!