Naperville Shoveling Snow Service

Doing it all yourself may not always be the most prudent course. Doing it on your own can result in pulled muscles, back injuries and even heart attacks; many individuals have fallen prey to this fate while clearing their own driveways of snow.

Snow removal doesn’t need to be difficult or time consuming anymore – simply answer some simple questions and find top-rated local pros.

Safety First

Utilising professional and reliable snow removal services will keep your driveway, sidewalks, stairs, parking lot and landscaping tidy and safe. Snow removal may seem like a time consuming and laborious task – however with experienced landscapers by your side it doesn’t have to be. Peace of mind that your property is in capable hands is priceless!

City residents and property owners have an obligation to clear snow off of sidewalks to keep pedestrians, including children walking to school, safe. Shoveling snow away also helps facilitate utility meter readers. Clearing it around fire hydrants, meters (to assist utility meter readers), and commercial parking lots is essential. Avoid placing snow back onto the street, as this creates hazardous driving conditions and prevents snow plow operations from running efficiently. Salt your driveways, sidewalks and paths after clearing to reduce ice buildup. This will create a safer environment for everyone involved, including our City crews who are working diligently to clear streets and neighborhood sidewalks. At present, 26 City large plow trucks and 32 contractors are on main roadways, neighborhoods and cul-de-sacs clearing snow away.

Customized Service

As temperatures cool off, homeowners face the daunting task of clearing snow off their driveways and sidewalks. Shoveling piles of snow is dangerous as well as time-consuming; dealing with it all may prove challenging when coupled with busy schedules.

Homeowners are required by City code to shovel their sidewalks regularly in order to keep pedestrians, such as children walking to school, safe. Property owners also bear responsibility for clearing areas around fire hydrants and meters as well as clearing away any ice dams that form at sump pump discharge points that might block gutter systems.

Professional snow removal services will make sure that your property is clear of hazards, so you can enjoy winter activities without risk of injury or stress. Simply answer a few questions about your project and be connected with top-rated local professionals within minutes!

Fast Service

Snow removal doesn’t have to be a burdensome chore in Naperville. Instead of spending your free time shoveling away piles of snow yourself, professional removal services offer hassle-free service allowing you to focus on what matters in life instead.

Heavy snow accumulation must be cleared away for safety purposes, as slippery roads can lead to fatal car accidents and pedestrians – including children walking to school – must remain safe when walking along sidewalks. Furthermore, snow must be removed from fire hydrants and utility meters in order to assist meter readers.

The city uses a priority snow removal system that ensures main roads and intersections are plowing first before side streets, cul-de-sacs and alleys are cleaned to allow snow plows access driveways without leaving piles of snow in front of them – this practice prevents blocking driveways as well as burying mailboxes, sidewalks and streetlights in snow drifts.

Peace of Mind

Every year, many individuals suffer broken bones, dehydration and heart attacks while trying to shovel their driveway themselves. Engaging a professional team for snow removal is not only safer and faster; it may even save money by cutting repair bills later.

Residential sidewalks are the responsibility of residents and property owners and must be cleared within 48 hours following any snowfall according to City code. This helps protect pedestrians – particularly children walking to school – as well as enable firefighters and utility meter readers to read them more accurately.

Traffic flow priorities determine the order in which streets are cleared; arterial, main streets are typically cleared first before residential side streets, cul-de-sacs and alleys are tackled. City crews take care to avoid leaving large piles of snow blocking driveway accesses or creating dangerous conditions that endanger drivers and pedestrians alike.


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